Week 33 – your week by week pregnancy

Baby weights about 2kg and his skin is turning from red to pink. The diameter of the head is about 8.5cm. Your baby has started to prepare for life outside the womb by storing iron in its liver. Baby is using its lungs to practice breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. Most of the lanugo is gone and replaced with a thick coat of vernix.


Information provided by 4DScan. Visit them at www.4dscan.co.za. 

See how your baby develops here:

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25

Week 26

Week 27

Week 28

Week 29

Week 30

Week 31

Week 32

Week 33

Week 34

Week 35

Week 36

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