Tag pregnant

Should I breastfeed?

Should I breastfeed? Have you ever wondered about the importance of breastfeeding? A mother’s decision to breastfeed or not is a personal decision but do draw opinions from friends and family. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists strongly recommend…

7 Weeks pregnant – what to expect

Congratulations, you are seven weeks pregnant! You may start to feel a bit “different” now. Of course, if it is a planned pregnancy and you and your partner have been trying to fall pregnant for a while, you’ll be in…

10 Weeks pregnant – what to expect

It is amazing how much growth happens in this period, just over a short span of time like a week. Although it does feel as though the morning sickness is a dragging nightmare, chin up, because not long now and…

12 weeks pregnant – what to expect

You are at the three month mark. For the most part, you are now considered to be in the “safe” zone. How are you feeling? Rejoice! The not so lekker part is over! Things will only improve from now on.…